
Wednesday 4 December 2019

The sanctuary of Apollo

I made this blog post because our inquiry this term is being spiritually healthy and we had to make a blog post  on a sacred place. enjoy and leave a comment.

The gold coast

On the 7th of September  me and my family went to the gold coast so i wanted to do a blog on it. enjoy and leave a comment.

Tuesday 3 December 2019

The best Pokemon team for kanto

Hi my name is Ethan and i am a Pokemon trainer, this is an  explanation on the best Pokemon team for the Kanto region. In this explanation you will see the best six  Pokemon out of 150 Pokemon.  Each of these Pokemon that I list today will all play a role in your team and will help you get the job done. This explanation will not include Mega Evolutions or legendary and mythical Pokemon, this is not based on the games and is just based on stats and movesets, so let's get on with it then.

 First of all we are going to head on over to Professor Oak's lab to get our  starter Pokemon, Charmander, Bulbasaur, or Squirtle. Now I know what you guys are thinking you're thinking “choose Charmander choose Charmander” but I chose Squirtle because it's evolved form Blastoise has 373 stats in total and that's not even counting speed and health. For it moves i suggest getting it rain dance to help boost it's Mega launch ability. Surf because it will allow you to travel on the water and having Rain Dance and the ability mega launch will help out with its attack. I suggest teaching it Ice beam to cope with grass types and teach it Dark pulse to cope with psychic types.

 Now that we've got a starter Pokemon it's time to get our flying type because you don't want to have to walk around everywhere! Now this was hard a choice because there are so many good flying types but I chose dragonite because it had the best stats total of 426, again I'm not counting speed or health so I thought it would be the perfect choice. For it’s moveset we suggest giving it Fly to get around, Outrage to end the battle with 1 strike, Earthquake to deal with a flock of Pokemon and Extreme speed for that all around move and Extreme speed never misses.

Now we need an electric type because every successful team has an electric Pokemon in it because they are so good for taking out a lot of out typing's like flying and water types. So for our electric type I chose magnamite witch will evolve Magneton because I really think he is ‘the lightning in the thunderstorm’. It has a total of 345 in stats and again we are not counting speed or health every Pokemon on this list is not counting speed or health. For its moveset I suggest  giving it Thunderbolt instead of Thunder because Thunderbolt never misses i also suggest giving it flash to light up caves, flash cannon to in the battle in one hit and for our last move give it Volt switch because it's good when you want to switch out but in the process you will get in some serious damage.

Now that we've got three Pokemon already I think it's time we get a grass/poison type because it is always good to have a poison type in your team to deal with the Pokemon that are really Powerful. For this part of our team we are going with the all powerful Bellsprout which will evolve into Victreebel and Victreebel has a total stat of 330. Victreebel will have a moveset of slug bomb for it’s poison type move, Leaf blade and leaf storm for it's grass type attacks and to finish the final move will be Knock off (a dark type move) to take care of psychic types that will do well against poison types.

For our 5th Pokemon we are going to have a heavy hitter and that heavy hitter is none other than the Superpower Pokemon machop which will later evolve into Machamp, and with a great stat number of 360 he will be a great asset to your team. For his moveset we are giving it dynamic punch (A fighting type move) to take out those Dark types, Bullet punch as an all-round move, Knock off for psychic types which are good against fighting types and for our last move give it Stone edge to get rid of any strong fire types you come across. Be warned that Stone edge dose not have that good of accuracy so
maybe get Rock slide because it has better accuracy. 

For the last (but definitely not least) Pokemon  is really up to you to choose Because we've already gone over the most important Pokemon that you need to have a successful team, but because the team isn't complete without six Pokemon i choose Vulpix Which will evolve into Ninetales by a Firestone. With a total of 332  it will make a great addition to your team, for its moveset I suggest Flamethrower to take out grass and ice types, Solar beam for water types that will take out your fire type in one shot, Morning sun to boost the attack of Solar Beam and Flamethrower and for its last move I suggest giving it  Psyshock to deal with dark types and if you want an ability for your ninetales get it the ability drought so that it boosts your fire type attack

So there you have it the best team for your journey across the region of Kanto. I hope you learnt something today, be sure to leave a comment about what Pokemon you would put into your Kanto team. bye for now

Wednesday 6 November 2019

Nerf war

By Ethan
I was at my best friend's nana and granddad's house and we were playing
Nerf war. It had been nearly an hour now and Conner (my friend)
and I needed a way out of his room, after a quick refuel I looked
through the rusty gold key howl on the rough white door and i saw
his granddad in the kitchen we couldn't go down that way or we would
get shot and Conner was on his last life.
I had 2 lives left but if he got out i wouldn’t last long. We were doomed…

Conner had a plan he said ‘we had to get to the front gate’ 
‘But how’ I replied. Then I looked at the window and then looked at Conner.
‘you thinking what i'm thinking’ I said with a smirk.
‘Always’ Conner replied. 

Then as quick as the wind Conner grabbed his semi automatic shotgun
and i grabbed my 1 barrel hammer shot. Then we opened the window
and I Cautiously made my way down from Conner's room to the backyard.
As he passed me the guns we heard the door opening,
without hesitation Conner lept off the window sill 3 feet off the ground!
Then out wasting a minute we bolted to the front gate. We where safe… for now!

Tuesday 22 October 2019

Alien Invasion

Alien invasion 
Earth used to be a peaceful place, but in 2015 on the 7th of December, aliens came with technology we have never seen before! Within 3 months the planet was invaded (except the North Pole). From the ashes of England rose the last resistance...

It was 10am, February 7th, 2016 at the North Pole. The alarm rang, the fighters grabbed 1 semi automatic shotgun and ran to the ramp. Lieutenant Rogers ran to the lookout station. ‘Sam where are they?’ said Rogers.
 ‘South west’ replied Sam.
 As Rogers as was about to run to the ramp, he heard Sam call him
 ‘Rogers... I think it's time’ 
‘Get a gun and run to the entrance’ Rogers shouted
‘Roger that sir’ Sam replied.

They were at the frontline, they could see the giant beasts 2 kilometres out. Then over the loudspeaker a voice spoke (it belonged to Rogers) said 
‘We may be small in the cosmos, but we are strong, we will survive and we will thrive’
Chorus of the yells went through the air as they charged towards the aliens and on all fours the aliens charged towards them. In an instance the clash began!

 With Bullets and lasers flying everywhere, Rogers had his eye on the general of the Alien Force. He ran up to him firing a semi automatic shotgun. The alien grabbed his sword and slashed it on the ground (as a show of strength).
 Rogers Yelled ‘This is for Invading the planet’! as he shot him in the arm.
 ‘This is for England!’
Then he shot him in the opposite arm. The alien dropped his sword and Rogers ran, picked it up,  jumped on top of him and then he whispered,
 ‘This is for my family’.
He thrust the blade into the alien’s chest. In the aliens dying breath he said
 ‘Made you look’ and then he stabbed Rogers in the left eye! 

Hours later nearly 100 bodies were found on the ground, most of them were alien bodies. The group had won the battle, but who was to know when another battle was going to come, only time will tell... 

Sunday 20 October 2019


This is a post on a sacred item, i chose Thor's hammer  because it can only be held by an worthy wielder. enjoy and remember to leave a comment

Monday 14 October 2019

The rosary

This is a blog post on the rosary. Hope you enjoy and leave a comment. Thanks.

Tuesday 24 September 2019

Marvel the nine realms

This is a blog post about the nine realms. The reason i chose this topic is because i love marvel. I hope you like it and leave a comment if you do thanks. 

Monday 23 September 2019

Marvel Gladiation

WALT: Use PARAGRAPHS Date:23/9/19 Subject of paragraph: Marvel Personal goals: Better punctuation Paragraph 1 This is a short story to show you what I have been learning, hope you enjoy it. As he waited for his name to be called, he could hear the yells and bashes in the Colosseum. Finally his name was called over loudspeakers “Owen Rogers Please report to the armory”. He got up, a few minutes later he was in the armory. He picked up a helmet, some red face paint, chainmail armour and a giant metal axe. Once he was ready he stood at the door that led to the Colosseum, he was about to have the biggest fight of his life... Paragraph 2 The doors opened slowly and he walked in cautious of what lay beyond. Then he came face-to-face with a colossal beast! It roared a mighty roar and slobber covered Owen’s face when it bellowed. In the blink of an eye it lunged at him. Thinking fast he jumped onto the beast’s back and sliced at its tough scales. Owen slid off its tail like it was a slide and then turned around and cut off one of its legs. As it howled in pain Owen threw his axe up at the scaly reptile’s face, and it stabbed into one of the Beast’s eyes. Then as his axe fell down, the giant dinosaur like creature put one of its talons down and it crushed him, or so it seemed... Paragraph 3 As the crowd cheered and the reptile roared, if you looked closely you can see the talon moving bit by bit. Suddenly Owen pushed the reptile’s giant leg out of the way and it fell to the floor with a THUD! Owen climbed on top of the reptile and walked to the neck. Finally he swung down his axe with mighty thrust and then it was over. Thanks for reading this, hope you enjoyed it.

Wednesday 18 September 2019

living to learn

this week we have been making logos for  the school cluster. This is my one. enjoy and leave a comment.

Monday 2 September 2019

The sleep cycle

this term we have been leaning about sleep. here is a post about the sleep cycle. enjoy and don´t forget to leave a comment.

Sunday 1 September 2019


This week we are learning about just. Enjoy and leave a comment.

Wednesday 21 August 2019

Big vs Bigger

WALT draft a piece of writing. 
We will we know we can do this when we:
  1. Write at least 300 words 
  2. underline/highlight any words we are unsure of 

Big vs Bigger by Ethan

Juggernaut was the biggest man on the street. I'm talking huge, as big as a bus. He actually lifted a bus once with his bare hands. Juggernaut Ruled new York, he was kind of a big deal. That was until,  hulk an even bigger man moved to new York,...
It is kind of funny really. Juggernaut a big man with bronze armour and a steel dome on his big round hard head. Vs hulk an even bigger man with huge purple ripped pants and he is always abominably anger. He is also green for some strange reason. Brace Yourself  

It was 3:30 p.m. they meet in a bowling club as hulk Rolled the Heavy steel ball across the Carefully Waxed Floor.He was Cautious because he did not trust Juggernaut.
Perfect strike said The computer above the bowling Lane Juggernaut had a distinct Jealousy on his face Because of Hulks perfect bowl Now it was Juggernauts turn he carefully Bold along the lane then Suddenly he stepped over The line a tiny bit.
Perfect Strike The computer Said. But what Juggernaut was unaware of that Hulk was checking the security cameras and he saw what Juggernaut Had done. And he was Furious!!!  

Warning!! the following fight is very violent turn off your Chromebook now if you do not want to hear it 

As Juggernaut party the night away Because he had Beaten Hulk. he heard a loud !thud! Halfway through eating his cake he wondered what it was. He went downstairs to check and then Suddenly! a picnic table flow right past his head When he turned back to the doors After looking at picnic table smashed on the floor behind him If you saw a giant green monster In the way of the doors he recognises this monster it was Hulk . . . 
Bam! Juggernaut crashed through Big red brick wall the wall And Hulk follow. A standoff juggernaut thought I've got him right where I want him then… the bronze 
Bruit Charged. Running it's about 145 kilometres per hour his steel dome on his head was Pointed right at the big green Goliath. Hulk wasn't ready And the helmet hit him right in the stomach.Frustrated and Confused Hulk ripped up the ground and throw it at the hard headed Warrior Then everything went black for Juggernaut. 5 minutes later Juggernaut woke up to see a fist pointed Right at his face And then a Deep voiced big green bodybuilder to him night night And then punched him right on the nose Juggernaut without cold. That's gonna hurt when he wakes up. And So now Hulk rules in New York with an iron fist and Juggernaut never ever cheated again because Juggernaut new if he did, he'd be dead… dun dun duuuuuun! The End

Tuesday 20 August 2019


this team we have been learning about sleep. In this slide you will learn about koalas and how they sleep. enjoy and don´t forget to leave a comment

Sunday 18 August 2019

my dream bedroom

This is a blog post about my dream bedroom as you can see i am a star wars fan. The bed is the spaceship. Enjoy and leave a comment. Thank you

Monday 12 August 2019

writen method

this is how to do the writen method in maths. leave a comment

Thursday 8 August 2019

the Lion´s of the sea

Sharks The lion's of the sea šŸŸ Sharks are predatory fish that live in the oceans around New Zealand and the islands of the Pacific. They are very powerful beasts and can eat almost any meat. The biggest shark that ever lived was the Megalodon Which is 10.5 m Long and the smallest is the Pygmy shark A female pygmy shark can grow up to 28 cm and a male can grow up to 22 cm. The biggest shark today is a whale shark which is 10 m Long and my favourite shark, because of its giant mouth and microscopic teeth. The most famous shark of all is the great white shark. It even starred in it's Own movie Jaws which was released on the 1st of June 1975. Has anyone heard of the phrase shark in the water, well that means you are a fast and strong and It is Darin true to shark I know that for a fact because tiger sharks can swim At 2.4 mph But can only hold the speed for a few seconds.

Monday 5 August 2019

Bishop Matthew Brodie

Bishop Brodie

Matthew Joseph Brodie, was born on 1871. he was the second
Catholic bishop of Christchurch, New Zealand. He was
appointed by Pope Benedict xv on 27 November 1915 and died in office
on 11 October 1943. He was the first New Zealander by birth to be made
a Catholic bishop. He was noted for his interest in promoting the general
well-being of all.

Monday 13 May 2019

Holy Spirit

this term we have been learning about the holy spirit so I made this.
It is a symbolof the Holy

Tuesday 2 April 2019

South Korean flag

This is the Korean flag. I posted this because we are learning Korean this year as our second language. We have a teacher called Ms Han who comes in once a week to teach us. We are learning to read Hangul. I made this in Google Drawings. The red represents 


Sunday 17 March 2019

Thank you letter for Summer

Dear Summer,

 Thank you for being with me on the kayak. You helped me to paddle and encouraged me to get into the freezing cold water. Thank you for taking time off work and family to look after me.
You made me laugh every day. Without you I would not have made it to the destination.

Thank you for cooking the pies.

From Ethan

Tuesday 12 February 2019

Welcome to my Blog

Haere Mai, Talofa Lava, Mālō e Lelei , Maligayang Pagdating and welcome to my very own blog for learning. I look forward to sharing my learning with teachers, my school, my family and friends anywhere.