
Tuesday 22 October 2019

Alien Invasion

Alien invasion 
Earth used to be a peaceful place, but in 2015 on the 7th of December, aliens came with technology we have never seen before! Within 3 months the planet was invaded (except the North Pole). From the ashes of England rose the last resistance...

It was 10am, February 7th, 2016 at the North Pole. The alarm rang, the fighters grabbed 1 semi automatic shotgun and ran to the ramp. Lieutenant Rogers ran to the lookout station. ‘Sam where are they?’ said Rogers.
 ‘South west’ replied Sam.
 As Rogers as was about to run to the ramp, he heard Sam call him
 ‘Rogers... I think it's time’ 
‘Get a gun and run to the entrance’ Rogers shouted
‘Roger that sir’ Sam replied.

They were at the frontline, they could see the giant beasts 2 kilometres out. Then over the loudspeaker a voice spoke (it belonged to Rogers) said 
‘We may be small in the cosmos, but we are strong, we will survive and we will thrive’
Chorus of the yells went through the air as they charged towards the aliens and on all fours the aliens charged towards them. In an instance the clash began!

 With Bullets and lasers flying everywhere, Rogers had his eye on the general of the Alien Force. He ran up to him firing a semi automatic shotgun. The alien grabbed his sword and slashed it on the ground (as a show of strength).
 Rogers Yelled ‘This is for Invading the planet’! as he shot him in the arm.
 ‘This is for England!’
Then he shot him in the opposite arm. The alien dropped his sword and Rogers ran, picked it up,  jumped on top of him and then he whispered,
 ‘This is for my family’.
He thrust the blade into the alien’s chest. In the aliens dying breath he said
 ‘Made you look’ and then he stabbed Rogers in the left eye! 

Hours later nearly 100 bodies were found on the ground, most of them were alien bodies. The group had won the battle, but who was to know when another battle was going to come, only time will tell... 

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