
Wednesday 21 August 2019

Big vs Bigger

WALT draft a piece of writing. 
We will we know we can do this when we:
  1. Write at least 300 words 
  2. underline/highlight any words we are unsure of 

Big vs Bigger by Ethan

Juggernaut was the biggest man on the street. I'm talking huge, as big as a bus. He actually lifted a bus once with his bare hands. Juggernaut Ruled new York, he was kind of a big deal. That was until,  hulk an even bigger man moved to new York,...
It is kind of funny really. Juggernaut a big man with bronze armour and a steel dome on his big round hard head. Vs hulk an even bigger man with huge purple ripped pants and he is always abominably anger. He is also green for some strange reason. Brace Yourself  

It was 3:30 p.m. they meet in a bowling club as hulk Rolled the Heavy steel ball across the Carefully Waxed Floor.He was Cautious because he did not trust Juggernaut.
Perfect strike said The computer above the bowling Lane Juggernaut had a distinct Jealousy on his face Because of Hulks perfect bowl Now it was Juggernauts turn he carefully Bold along the lane then Suddenly he stepped over The line a tiny bit.
Perfect Strike The computer Said. But what Juggernaut was unaware of that Hulk was checking the security cameras and he saw what Juggernaut Had done. And he was Furious!!!  

Warning!! the following fight is very violent turn off your Chromebook now if you do not want to hear it 

As Juggernaut party the night away Because he had Beaten Hulk. he heard a loud !thud! Halfway through eating his cake he wondered what it was. He went downstairs to check and then Suddenly! a picnic table flow right past his head When he turned back to the doors After looking at picnic table smashed on the floor behind him If you saw a giant green monster In the way of the doors he recognises this monster it was Hulk . . . 
Bam! Juggernaut crashed through Big red brick wall the wall And Hulk follow. A standoff juggernaut thought I've got him right where I want him then… the bronze 
Bruit Charged. Running it's about 145 kilometres per hour his steel dome on his head was Pointed right at the big green Goliath. Hulk wasn't ready And the helmet hit him right in the stomach.Frustrated and Confused Hulk ripped up the ground and throw it at the hard headed Warrior Then everything went black for Juggernaut. 5 minutes later Juggernaut woke up to see a fist pointed Right at his face And then a Deep voiced big green bodybuilder to him night night And then punched him right on the nose Juggernaut without cold. That's gonna hurt when he wakes up. And So now Hulk rules in New York with an iron fist and Juggernaut never ever cheated again because Juggernaut new if he did, he'd be dead… dun dun duuuuuun! The End


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Dear Ethan
    put a Capulet letter on big and bigger.
    why did you make this?
    and your work is entertaining.


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