
Wednesday 10 June 2020

Herod sayle

this is a blog post about Herod sayle the bad guy in Alex rider stormbreaker . Enjoy and leave a comment 


  1. Hi Ethan,

    I love the creativity you have shown when creating your DLO. I love how you have used shapes to make Herod.

    My advice would be to make sure you read through your work. There are a couple of boxes that don't make sense.

    Make sure you add capital letters to all proper nouns. You have done it for some but not all. What is Stormbreaker? You may need to leave a small description for your viewer.

    Keep up the great work!

  2. WOAH Ethan this is so cool i love how you did harold sayle it looks
    SUPER cool anyway yeah thats all i wanted to say SooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOoooooooo bye

    -from Trin/the coolest person ever

  3. Hi Ethan,
    Its Charlotte,
    I like this blog post because you have detail about who your person is.
    I like the colours and how it stands out, I also like the title.
    Next time you could add a few more capitals and maybe put the writing bigger
    Good Job Ethan!


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