
Thursday 16 April 2020

Mary is tolled about the son of god

Angel comes to Mary until she will give birth to the son of God, Mary is 
afraid of what the angel tells her. But the angel tells her 
“Do not be afraid for you have won the favor of the Lord”
The angel tells her of what her son will do and what Mary will call him.
Marry will call him Jesus and he would take the throne of David and rule
over the kingdom forever Then the angels tells Mary that Elizabeth even
in her old age for nothing is beyond the Lord's control Cindy angel leaves
Mary to wonder what to do next.

This is the most important time in Mary's life because it will change the
course of History forever. Jesus will do great things and it will change
humanity forever. This changes Mary's life because the only one apart
from Jesus to go up to Heaven body and soul. When Mary was empowered
with the Holy Spirit she was given the gift of being able to give birth at such
a young age.

The painting made by John Collier helps us to relate to Mary Since it is set
in the 21st century so we can kind of Relate Seeing what she's doing in the
painting when the angel comes to her is the same as what we do kinda 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ethan,

    I really love how you have retold the story especially as you have included speech marks. This makes it more lively and engaging. You have put some great thought into your answers and it shows me that you have really thought about Mary and how it affected her through her life. Great job with the google drawing. Did you trace it?


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