
Thursday 19 March 2020

camp recount


On the 26 of February my class and I went to Hammer springs forest camp.
We went there to immerse ourselves in nature, we travelled by car.
It was a long drive but it was worth what did I do there well i´ll tell ya. 

The first day we went to the Hammer Springs pools and that was a
crime scene for vengeance. 3 years ago Jenna pushed me in a pool
and i had never forgiven her, so i tricked her into coming over to the big
pool. As she stood on the concrete slab she asked 
¨So what am i looking at¨ 
¨ you'll see¨ I said 
Then i shoved her in and then I yelled 
¨ ha got her ¨ 
When Jenna got out she seemed annoyed but happy at the same time,
a good start to camp i thought.

The next day my group went off to the tree climbing activity, first we put on
our helmets and harnesses then we got into special jobs. Liv was the one
climbing the tree, Kade was holding the rope as was I. Liv made it to the top
and so did Kade. Then it was my turn I started up the ladder then I made it
onto the tree I climbed up the small wooden planks that have been attached
to the tree and then I made it to the top honk the horn three times and then sat
on my harness, then the group started to take me down. As i came down i
¨ i´m Mary Poppins y'all ¨
(That's a line from Guardians of the Galaxy 2 just saying)
 It was great fun.

On the last night there were meant to be satellites Crossing us Skies
So while we waited we played Spotlight. The first round I got found, the
easily the second round I had with in the wood Shed with Nate and Hunter
But got found but third round was one to remember.  I hid behind a flax bush
and then curled up into a ball and lay there quiet as a mouse, then i heard
miss Holland say 
¨ Game over ¨ and i had survived.
Next We'll lay down and look at the stars.
We saw many constellations including the diper, then we saw the
space stations. They're all going in the same Direction. One looked like it
was going to crash! didn't, according to Google that was meant to be 60! 

Thank you for reading this post, I hope you enjoyed it please leave a comment.
For the record that camp was grate camp, see ya next time.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ethan
    I am enjoying checking in with the Room 1 blogs. Its great to see what you have all been up to!
    I enjoyed being able to read your camp record. I loved the amount of detail that you included. It made me feel like I was there!
    I would love to see some more of your learning :-)
    I hope that you and your family are enjoying some family time in your bubble.
    We have had a nice few days so far. We have been on a short bike ride each day and we have a new kitten called Oscar and he is very cool.
    Take care
    Mrs Stewart


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