
Sunday 16 February 2020

The Dragon's wish

The dragon’s wish

Hi guys, I've got a story that you will love so read it very carefully,
let’s get on with it.
Rick the dragon boy strode into the temple of wolfhaven and
addressed three humanoids standing near the holographic map,
“Why do we cower in fear and doubt when Killer Frost is
coming closer and closer to the kingdom for wolfhaven
by the day” Rick yelled!
“We are planning on how to stop him,” said stormer.
But Rick was tired of waiting for a plan he wanted to engage the enemy
at the gates when they came but deep down he knew even with his
god power that he was given he would still never defeat an army of
10,000. Then he left the room slamming the giant wooden doors
behind him, a few minutes later Era (a tall blond haired woman with dark skin)
walked out she was wearing gold armour and  a sword Strapped to her belt. 
“Rick what are you out here for” she asked rather shyly 
“I'm out here because I await the battle that is on the horizon”  he said rather
“Well you won't have to wait much longer, the estimation by the Century is
the army will be here by tomorrow” said Era with a bit of a tear forming in
her eyes. 
Then she walked off into the temple leaving Rick out in the pouring rain it
was going to be a long night.

Then in the morning Rick was woken by a shadow that blocked out the sun
“Get up”a voice yelled 
The voice belonged to Zeus a mystic of the kingdom he was a very
powerful man  
“Today's the day Rick wake up seriously,”he said 
But Rick was fast asleep 
“Alright but don't say I didn't warn you” he said shrugging his shoulders.
Raising his hand in the air his appendage started so morph into another
shape and it became small gaster blaster 
 and the 2.5 blast he shot at rick woke him up as quick as a cheetah
could run
“What was that for” said rick rather angrily
Ignoring him Zeus said that they needed to get to the gate.
There was something wrong. Grabbing a laser battleaxe Rick ran to
the gates to see hundreds of dead bodies Rick didn't know what was the
matter the only thing he saw was people lying on the ground helpless 
“What wrong all i see is that i missed a good fight” Rick said rather confused 
“Oh but you misunderstand the battle out here was a divergen the really
fight is up there” said Zeus pointing to the watchtower
“Oh no …” Rick said gutted as he ran to the 60 foot high stone tower,
half way up Rick saw a body fall from the Staircase he knew he was closes,
at last he made it up and looked evil in the face it was Killer Frost the
scourge of the galaxy he has frozen millions in inpenitrubul glaciers and
he was here…

“You…” Rick scawled
Rick yelled turning into a giant beast with red scales and huge horns on its
head with giant wings and the first move the grizzled beast made was
swinging its tail at the evil planet killer 
“You know most of the time I kill my foe but i can use you”said Killer Frost slyly 
“I WILL NEVER HELP YOU” yelled Rick in dragon form letting out a loud roar 
“oh i know you won't but this will help you be more um what is the word
cooperative” he said holding a small disk 
Then Killer Frost thru the small disk while doing a triple front flip in mid air,
as the disk dug in to Rick’s neck and started to spread blue lines up to his
head and down his back until they reached his tail 
“What have you done Frost” he stuttered as he shrunk back to human form
“Oh I've just made you more controllable” Frost sighed 
Then Rick’s eyes started to glow purple. Next he went as stiff as a bolder.
Just then Stormer came up
“Rick are you o...k” Stormer asked confused
“do me a favour Rick … kill him for me” Killer Frost said 
Then Killer Frost jumped out of the window 
“FROST!” yelled Stormer
Just then Stormer felt a hand on his clothes, he turned around to see
Rick holding him by the color 
“He he h… hi” stutered Stormer 
The next thing you know Rick bashes Stormer with his laser battle axe 
“Alright you've done it now” yelled Stormer 
Then in the blink of an eye Stormer drew his wolf blade, the wolf blade
had a wolf head attached to the hilt and the mouth of the wolf looked
like it was eating the blade. The dog like blade started to glow green suddenly
Stormer’s body was surrounded in a blue ara 
“Aaaaaaaaahh!”yelled Stormer 
Then the sword of dogs blasted a green beam shot with extreme power 
“YOU FOOL” shouted mind control Rick as the giant green power beam hit 

A couple of minutes later Stormer was laying on the ground bleeding
just then Zeus ran up and saw Rick about to stab his dragon blade into
“No NOOOOOOOOOO” Zeus yelled in anguish 
Then Rick thrust his blade in to Stormer’s ribs 
“Aaaaaaaaahh!”yelled Zeus 
“GASTER BLASTER” shouted Zeus making a huge gaster
blaster in front of Ricks face 
“Boom” said Zeus with a smirk on his scared face 
Suddenly a giant purple beam hit Rick right in the face and then
(if you were there) you would hear a big
The watchtower fell apart, bricks fell from the 60 foot monument and
among all that rubble were two people Falling one of them was already
dead that one was stormer the other was Zeus.
He was falling but he made a gaster blaster Attached to his back to
lower him to the ground then he looked up and he saw a big red beast in
the sky. this was only the beginning … to be continued   

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