
Wednesday 6 November 2019

Nerf war

By Ethan
I was at my best friend's nana and granddad's house and we were playing
Nerf war. It had been nearly an hour now and Conner (my friend)
and I needed a way out of his room, after a quick refuel I looked
through the rusty gold key howl on the rough white door and i saw
his granddad in the kitchen we couldn't go down that way or we would
get shot and Conner was on his last life.
I had 2 lives left but if he got out i wouldn’t last long. We were doomed…

Conner had a plan he said ‘we had to get to the front gate’ 
‘But how’ I replied. Then I looked at the window and then looked at Conner.
‘you thinking what i'm thinking’ I said with a smirk.
‘Always’ Conner replied. 

Then as quick as the wind Conner grabbed his semi automatic shotgun
and i grabbed my 1 barrel hammer shot. Then we opened the window
and I Cautiously made my way down from Conner's room to the backyard.
As he passed me the guns we heard the door opening,
without hesitation Conner lept off the window sill 3 feet off the ground!
Then out wasting a minute we bolted to the front gate. We where safe… for now!